Sacred Rattles and Power Objects
The creation of sacred rattles and power objects has been a part of Edwardβs practice since his earliest exploration into shamanism. Each piece is a spirit led journey, created in sacred space and made with intention.
Every item is a labour of love and connection to spirit, involving many journeys to my guides for direction, and to infuse the sacred tool with power and spirit, resulting in one of a kind object of power. Perhaps you are called towards one that is made and ready to join you, or perhaps consider a bespoke item birthed for your healing and ceremonial use.
Ready made rattles currently out of stock - they will be linked here when the store refreshes. In the meantime perhaps consider a custom rattle below!
Custom Sacred Medicine Rattle Healing
I have found for a long time that rattles connect people to spirit and to healing. They have the ability to be used meditatively to soothe the mind, and to take us into powerful altered states of consciousness and trance through rhythmic shaking. Indeed, in many cultures a rattle is the first item we put in our children's hands. Throughout the world they are multipurpose tools of calming, healing, joy, celebration, music and ceremony.
Shamanic healings come with gifts from the spirit world- power animals, returned soul parts and new energies and strengths. These gifts always need integration into our lives and experience and insight from spirit has guided me towards medicine rattles to support this.
Our custom medicine rattles are a healing in their own right, infused with gifts from spirit. Each rattle is made by journeying to spirit many times to understand what gifts and talents you need at this time and is delivered with messages and instructions on their use.
Perhaps your path in life has led you to a point where you are calling in a specific healing or strength - a custom medicine rattle can be your own physical powerful ally in that intention.
All rattles are made in sacred space, with integrity, love and passion.
Price on application
Previously Made Rattles