Are you seeking healing?  Do you feel exhausted, powerless, empty or lacking vitality?  Do you feel called to heal your own wounds?  Or are you seeking wisdom and insight into your life? Do you need help finding your true path in life or discovering the beauty of living?  

Shamanism is the oldest form of healing and is likely as old as human consciousness. Regardless of who you are or where in the world you are from, if you trace your ancestry back far enough then you will find relatives who lived in communities that sought healing. Not from modern approaches, but instead from men and women who gave their lives to serving their communities through a connection to spirits, the spirit world and nature. These people and practices still exist at the heart of some cultures across the world, and in others, like our own here in the UK, it is re-emerging after many years of being lost. 

At the core of these global ancestral healing techniques are a few important principles. Firstly, spirit moves through all things - you and I, plants, animals, objects, emotions, thoughts, all is conscious energy and can be communicated with. 

Secondly, as spirits on a journey in the physical world, you not only have a physical body, but an energy body too.  Throughout the course of our lives we all experience trauma, pain, fear, shock and grief, and these events have an effect on our energy body.

Our ancestral approach to healing works with the truth that all illnesses, whether emotional or physical, are spiritually based. Additionally, we recognise that there are five causes of sickness:

  • Soul/Power loss

  • Involuntary Possession

  • Disease-Object Intrusion

  • Sorcery and Curses

  • Breach of Taboo

This work is primarily concerned with the restoration of your power through the retrieval of lost energy or essence, and the removal of energetic blockages and dis-ease, all with the compassionate loving support and direction of the tutelary spirits with whom we work. 

Additionally, this beautiful nature based connection to spirit can be called upon to retrieve knowledge and wisdom about ones life. What direction should you walk to find your truest calling? What do you need to know at this time? Spirit can help with any burning questions in our lives. 

To those versed in the language used, the work may unfold to involve any of the following and more - soul retrieval, object-intrusion extraction, compassionate depossession, curse unravelling, divination and power animal retrieval.

This work is very supportive during times of grief, if you are preparing to die, or are living with terminal health conditions. It can be of great comfort to understand the shamanic map of the world so you know how to find your way home when it is time to leave your physical body. Often conversations around death can understandably bring about fear and emotional upset, especially when speaking with loved ones. This work can give you a safe place to explore your emotions around your own death, to learn and practise to journey into the spirit world to help with your transition home when the time arrives. It can also be a way to make sure loved ones have returned to spirit once they have died.

If any of the above work calls to you, let's talk. We offer a free 15-30 minute zoom or telephone conversation to meet each other, and once everyone is comfortable and happy to begin, a time and date will be agreed.  

We can work remotely at a distance with anyone, anywhere in the world, or in person where we live in Dorset, UK. This work takes place outside of time and space, and so either way works wonderfully. 

Our rate is £120, and a typical session will last 2 hours. Whilst profound and beautiful healing can take place in one session, it can be necessary to look at healing as a journey; we all work in different ways and at different paces. 

Our rates can be paid in instalments leading up to our scheduled meeting. We do not want to create a barrier to your healing work, if necessary concessions are available. Our practice is open to all, including young children.

We look forward to speaking to you, and helping you find your path towards healing, wholeness and happiness, and into a joyful and beautiful life of knowing who you are and why you are here.