Birthing Ancestral Healing

The Spring Equinox was a time to celebrate the revival of life after a long cold and dark winter.  Time to shift focus from inward to outward and to create action where there was rest and gestation. It was with divine timing then, with the turning of the wheel into spring, as the shoots and leaves begin to emerge out of the dark, that our shamanic healing practice was birthed and our website was made live.

As I am sure all mothers will understand, giving birth has not been quick or easy. Months of life beginning under the surface, growing uncomfortably, sudden kicks, confined in the dark with little to show besides pressure and anticipation, all giving way to the incredible moment of emergence from its womb into the light of the world.

We are animists, that is to say, we have a knowing that all things have spirit (from the Latin anima meaning 'breath, spirit, life’). So the creation of this website and the less tangible collective dreams of healing that it represents, is a very real being in its own right to us. One that we will nurture and feed, talk and listen to, love and grow. We are proud of it and love it, and can't wait to see the beauty that it is move from our dreamtime into this reality.

Our overarching objective is to bring spirit led, nature based healing back to the communities we live in and the land that we live on. We wish to provide an alternative, or support to the modern medical approaches of numbing, drugging and surgical methods . We are taught and guided by our spirit ancestors and honour them by sharing their ways of being whole, healthy, humans, connected to nature and spirit, ways that humans have trusted for thousands of years. 

We are offering our services locally and globally. If you are seeking shamanic healing, ceremony, community, spirit work for you, your family, animals or home then we have offerings and would love to speak to you.

So it may be!


Tree rings as a powerful metaphor for witnessing our life's journey & traumas