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Shamanic Journeying

Shamanic Journeying Workshop - Saturday 1st March, 10:00-17:30 and Sunday 2nd March, 10:00-17:30 -Chettle Village Hall, Dorset. Contribution - £200

Shamanic Journeying - the process that sits at the centre of all shamanic work, the art of journeying away from your body and the ordinary reality we inhabit in our daily lives. Travelling into the realm of spirit with the intention of seeking healing, knowledge, insight and connection, and returning with these gifts to the benefit of all areas of our lives.

We believe that this transformative technique is available to us all. It is a voyage into self healing, discovery and direct revelation, putting each of us back in control and charge of our own healing and spiritual growth.

We are Tanya and Edward of Ancestral Healing, Shamanic healers who have qualified professionally and studied cross-cultural and classical shamanism for many years. We have also had the great fortune to sit in circle with indiginous wisdom keepers and elders from around the world.

Join us, as we sit in ceremony and community for two days, and learn these archaic techniques of ecstasy. We will guide you through all of the core tenets of this beautiful practice, by the end of which you will have the tools necessary to integrate them into your life, be you an aspiring shamanic practitioner or wishing to be the master of your own healing journey. A delicious, simple home grown organic lunch included.

A profound and life changing experience of ceremony and spirit work awaits.

Saturday 1st March, 10:00-17:30 and Sunday 2nd March, 10:00-17:30 -Chettle Village Hall, Dorset. Contribution - £200

To register your interest and book your place on this event, please contact us here:

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7 February

Shamanic Community Circle

5 April

Advanced Shamanic Journeying